cj@carystudios.com or cj@cjlcary.org If you are in Europe. Write me at: cj@neu-ukraine.org

CJ The Civil Servant

Welcome: I Am A Member of America's Most Honored "Her Veterans"


Welcome to my Civil Servant page. What is my C.S. page? Thought you would never ask and hey; I am glad you did. This is where I showcase my dedication to God & Country.

You may see Federal Service. or Military Service or you may see something of a of betwest and between, Such as the following two entries.

  1. The below is a Pentagon General Chief of Staff Commendation. Admittedly there is a small slight of signature; as it shows having been signed by a Colonel. In fact he made General, Brigadier. However the ceremony had not taken place. Why was this awarded to an IT Specialist? Often as is the case; DoD (Department of Defense) has been known to say one thing and do another. So while I went into Afghan as an IT person; being the only US Marine in S-6 Brigade Level; someone humbly suggested that The Marine; was more than qualified to go down range and meet with war-lords and such. It seems we are at another why moment. This why was based on the disappearance of U.S. Military and U.S. Tax Payers equipment. Disappeared in that it arrived in theater; but did not arrive at any of a number of military bases or F.O.B.’s as we call them. (Forward Operating Bases). My mission was to go out and meet with the bad guys Rep. Since this is a rather long mission; I dare not tell it all; without providing adequate alerts. If anyone wants to know the details, including the moment a tall lanky Chechen character walked across in front of me sitting on a bench, pulled our a Luger; cocked a round then made a 90 degree turn as if to walk behind the bench to where I sat. While fear was not so distant an ally, it was in fact my dearest friend. Meaning I did not eyeball track that character; I knew quite well those moments could well have been my last.

2. The next doc is called a NATO Non Article Five Medal. Give for much the same reasons at the Chief of Staff award above; but on a more global basis.

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